What Is The Best Way To Prevent Fleas ?

Whether in your home or on your pets, the last insect you want around is the flea. Fleas can make your family and your pets miserable with the scratching and itching their bites cause and the diseases they host.

How can you prevent these pests from invading your home? At The Verminator W.L.L, we know that you want to protect your loved ones and furry friends from these pesky  insects and we’ve got you covered with specialized flea control!

What Are the Best Methods of Flea Prevention?

Unfortunately for us in Bahrain, flea season is year-round. This means that it’s never a bad time to be thinking about flea prevention.

Fleas can be a source of irritation for you and your family, but they are also transmitters of serious diseases and can cause tapeworm infections and anemia in dogs.

This is why preventative measures are so important to keep your family and your animals safe. So what are some steps you can take to stay ahead of these troublesome parasites? Keep reading to find out!

Start With Your Yard

Your yard is the gateway to your home. The red carpet if you will, for fleas to either enter or die on contact. If you have pets, letting them play in pest-filled grass can mean disaster. This is why your flea prevention should start with your lawn.

Both fleas and ticks love hanging out in tall, shady grass, so make sure to keep your lawn mowed and swiftly remove any debris from your yard such as:

  • Leaves and twigs
  • Bricks or stones
  • Lumber stacks
  • Weeds and brush

Consider trimming your trees and bushes so that the sun can effectively hit all areas of your yard.

Clean Often

Cleaning thoroughly and often is one of the best ways to prevent fleas from infesting your home.

Be sure to vacuum your carpets and rugs and don’t skip the cushions on your chairs and sofas! Crevices in your furniture can be a sneaky spot for fleas to hide. After vacuuming, always empty your vacuum bag in a canister or outside trash can.

Clean all bedding, including pet beds, with soap and hot water frequently to deter and kill any existing fleas.
To maximize the effectiveness of your flea control, consider flea shampoo for your pets.

What If The Fleas Are Already Here?

If you’re past the point of preventative measures, it’s time for professional flea and tick treatment. At The Verminator W.L.L, we’re experts in the eradication of these pesky insects, and we’d be happy to add you to our list of happy customers.
The Verminator W.L.L is the local choice for not only efficient flea removal, but is also recognized as community contributors for your pest control needs.

Call Us now For best Flea Removal Services!

The Verminator W.L.L Pest Control has proudly served Bahrain and surrounding area for years and we can confidently offer you the best flea and tick treatment in the area. Our team is ready to answer all of your questions and provide you with the best service possible.

Needing other pest removal services? We’re still your team! Call on us for all your insect, pest and wildlife removal needs.

Call us today to schedule!

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